10 simple signs that you have excess toxins in your body

All around us, there are toxins. It is in the air, the water, and even present in our food. Even your most cherished smartphone has toxins and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Every day, we accumulate toxins in our body, which makes us ill when it gets to a certain point.
To help you know when to detox, we have put together a symptoms’ list, which will tell you that you have excess toxins in your body. To understand how to properly detoxify yourself, read the bonus section, down below.

You are suffering from constipation

Each time that we take in food, we also eat up all the chemicals present in the diet. These chemicals include artificial coloring, colorants, and preservatives. The intestines which help in food digestion in our bodies also face these toxins. The buildup of these toxins could result in constipation or stomach upset.
Consuming organic food, minimizing the consumption of alcohol, plus drinking of an abundant amount of water typically gets used to solve this problem.

You are suffering from brain fog.

If you are feeling dizzy, confused, and you are not able to focus even when its morning right after you slept well the night before, it is possible that you could have harmful toxins in your body. The toxins in your body trigger several reactions which dry up every essential vitamin plus minerals that help your body to function. This feeling you get is like outing a lousy oil in a car.

Despite putting on deodorant, your body still stinks.

You shower in the morning, you put on your deodorant, but yet, people still think that you smell. Well, this may be due to the toxins in your body. The toxins, if digested, emit odors and gases which leaves through the pores of your body. These odors and gases coming out from the pores of your body can produce a nasty smell that is as bad as the most noxious fart you ever experienced.

Aching muscles and joints are making you tired.

In a case where you have not visited the gym or perform any tiring physical tasks, and your joints and muscles still ache, you could have excess toxins in your body. Pains and aches in your body show that you may be suffering from unchecked inflammation. Therefore, if there are no reasons for inflammation in your body, you need to detoxify your body.

Your skin has new blemishes

The skin is our body’s biggest organ, and it is frequently open to pollution. Furthermore, products like conditioners, lotions, soaps, and shampoos which we apply to our body, have dangerous chemicals. When you are exposed to lots of chemicals, you could be having symptoms like eczema, rashes, and acne.

It becomes harder to fall asleep

While toxins accumulating can lead to exhaustion, they can also complicate things by disturbing your sleep. Excess quantities of body toxins can alter the level of cortisol (the hormone which controls sleep) to malfunction, which can adversely affect your sleep. Having insomnia can cause serious health problems, therefore, if you feel that you find it difficult to sleep, then you should think about detoxifying your body.

You are putting on weight.

Regardless of the amount of exercise that you have been doing in the gym, if your weight still increases, then your hormones have a problem. Toxins can wrongly affect the number of certain hormones present in your body, plus the hormones meant to control weight. Changing up to a nutritious diet and going for a strict detox will help improve this condition.

You have bad breath, and you know it

If you have bad breath, then you could be suffering from digestive problems. This happens when the digestive system struggles hard to digest everything that you consume. Additionally, you could also have digestive issues if your liver is fighting to remove all the toxins accumulated in the body. The only way to combat this is to remove the toxins in the body.

You have ugly and brittle toenails

Gravity pulls us down, and our toenails suffer all the more for it. Your toes, for the most part, remain in your dark socks and tight shoes, the exact environment that virus thrives. All of this join up to make your toenails an excellent place for the growth of fungi. While you could deal with this by using pharmaceutical applications, treating the toenail from the inner parts through detox is the best method for you.

Your hair falls out faster.

Loss of hair is not a sign of excess toxicity caused by the common toxin. However, this can be caused by more harmful toxins such as thallium (contained in the smoke of cigarettes), lead, and arsenic, and other things that can become lethal. Therefore, you should approach hair loss with all seriousness and report to your doctor.

Bonus: The best way to detox

When you feel that your body is undergoing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it could be a great idea to detoxify your body. Whereas you have several available complicated detox processes, you could improve our condition by simple changes to your lifestyle.

• Take in plenty of water. Water helps flush out toxins from the body.
• Toxins are harmful to the liver. To strengthen your liver, drink up dandelion tea. Or you could add up milk thistle, milk, or parsley to your food.
• Perform yoga. It enhances the circulation in your body and helps to remove toxins.
• Regularly brush up your teeth after eating. Do remember to make use of the tongue scraper also.
• Consume only whole, clean, and organic foods.
• Include some probiotics to your food.
• make use of only organic cosmetic products that have no toxins and fragrances.