8 ways to fight cholesterol and high blood pressure

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are extremely dangerous. There are two types of cholesterol: HDL (good) and LDL (bad). According to NIH, LDL is the most dangerous type of cholesterol. HDL is the best. High cholesterol can prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching the heart. High blood pressure can also limit blood flow to various body parts.

Here are eight home remedies for high cholesterol and high blood pressure

1. Small meals.

What you eat matters just as much as how you eat. According to a British study, people who eat 6-7 small meals daily have lower cholesterol levels and are at a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.

2. Replace white with wheat

Next time you go to the grocery store, this should be your mantra. Whole-grain alternatives are better than white bread and pasta. This can dramatically increase HDL levels. Whole wheat also provides fiber for the body.

3. Salmon.

Omega-3 fatty acids are known to lower bad LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids are abundant in salmon, mackerel, herring, walnuts, almonds, and flaxseeds.

4. Cinnamon.

This fiery spice can help lower cholesterol. Add cinnamon to your curries and desserts. You can also add it to your morning cup of coffee.

5. Potassium.

High blood pressure patients are advised to reduce their salt intake. According to Mayo Clinic, increasing your potassium intake can reduce sodium’s effect on blood pressure.

6. Reduce consumption of processed foods.

Processed foods are a significant source of sodium. Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding processed foods to reduce sodium levels.

7. Watermelon seeds.

Try grinding watermelon seeds and then eating one teaspoon in the morning. This home remedy works because watermelon seeds contain a compound that increases blood capillaries and relieves hypertension.

8. Lemon.

Drink warm water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice daily to lower blood pressure. Vitamin C and other natural antioxidants in lemons can lower blood pressure and reduce free radicals.

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